Categories: Knowledge

Alcohol test in Milk

Use: test for screening, rapid assessment of acidity.

Advantages: quick, cheap.

 Alternatives: Clot on Boiling (COB) test, Acidity test


Proteins in milk that has become sour (i.e. because of lactic acid formation) will coagulate when mixed with alcohol.

 Equipment and materials:

  1. Test tube.
  2. Pipette.
  3. 68% ethanol solution (by weight: e.g. mix 68 ml 96% alcohol with 28 ml distilled water) or 75 % ethyl alcohol by volume (density 0.8675 g/ml at 27 °C).


1) Mix equal amounts (e.g. 2 ml) of milk and ethanol solution in test tube with the pipette.

2) Agitate by gentle movement and look for coagulation.


Milk containing more than 0.21% acid and milk that is abnormal (e.g. colostrum or mastitis milk) will not pass the test. This milk is not fit for further processing.

AgriMoon Team

View Comments

  • In the alcohol test to determine if its positive or negative do you have to discard the mixture of milk and alcohol or observe it for a few moment ?

  • In the alcohol test for milk to determine if its negative of positive do you need to discard the mixture o you just observe it for a moment to determine the result ?

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