
Introduction to Computer Applications PDF Book

Book Detail:  Introduction to Computer Applications

Language: English

Pages: 151

Author: TNAU

Price: Free






Other Important Link related Book:

Microsoft Word     

Microsoft Excel 

Microsoft Power Point


Outlines of Introduction to Computer Applications

  1. Introduction to Computers, Anatomy of Computers, Input and Output Devices
  2. Units of Memory, Hardware, Software and Classification of Computers
  3. Personal Computers, Types of Processors, Booting of Computer- warm and cold booting
  4. Computer Viruses, Worms and Vaccines
  5. Operating System – Some Fundamental DOS Commands, Rules for naming files in DOS and Types of files
  6. WINDOWS: GUI, Desktop and its elements, Windows Explorer, Working with files and folders, Setting time and date, Starting and Shutting down Windows
  7. MSWORD: Word-processing and units of document, features of word-processing packages. Creating, Editing, Formatting and Saving a document in MSWORD
  8. MSEXCEL: Electronic Spreadsheets – concepts, packages. Creating, Editing and Saving a spreadsheet with MSEXCEL
  9. Use of in-built functions and writing expressions
  10. Data Analysis Tools- Correlation and Regression, t-test for two samples and
    ANOVA with One-way classification
  11. t-test for two samples and ANOVA with One-way classification
  13. MSACCESS: Concept of Database- Units of database, creating database
  14. Principles of Programming: Flow charts, illustrations through examples
  15. Internet: World Wide Web (WWW), Concepts
  16. Web Browsing and Electronic Mail

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