
Judging of Dairy Products ICAR eCourse PDF Book free Download

Book Detail: Judging of Dairy Products

Language: English

Pages: 153

Author: P. S. Prajapati & J. P. Prajapati

Price: Free

Course Outline: Judging of Dairy Products

Module 1. Sensory Evaluation, Importance, Application and Terminology

Lesson 1. Introduction, Definition, Importance and Application of Sensory Evaluation in Relation to Consumer Acceptability and Economic Aspects

Lesson 2. Factors affecting food acceptance and terminology related to sensory evaluation

Module 2. Requirement of Sensory Evaluation and Physiology of Human Senses

Lesson 3. Design and requirements of sensory evaluation

Lesson 4. Basic Principles: Senses and Sensory Perception

Lesson 5. Physiology of Sensory Organ-Tongue

Lesson 6. Physiology of Sensory Organ-Nouse

Lesson 7. Physiology of Sensory Organ Ear and Eye

Lesson 8. Classification of tastes and odour, threshold value and its determination and factors

Lesson 9. Measurement of sensation intensity

Module 3. Fundamental rules, Score Card and Sensory Test and Panel Selection

Lesson 10. Fundamental rules for sensory evaluation

Lesson 11. Score card and grading of milk and milk product

Lesson 12. Sensory Tests – difference tests (paired comparison, due – trio, triangle), ranking, scoring, hedonic scale and descriptive tests

Lesson 13. Panel Selection, Screening and training of judges.

Module 4. Sensory Evaluation of Milk

Lesson-14. Judging and Grading of Milk

Module 5. Fermented Milk and Milk Products

Lesson 15. Desirable and undesirable characteristics of fermented milks, sensory evaluation of dahi, yoghurt, chakka, shrikhand, lassi and other fermented drinks.

Lesson 16. Desirable and undesirable characteristics of fermented milks, sensory evaluation of chakka, shrikhand, lassi and other fermented drinks

Lesson 17. Sensory Attributes of Fresh Cheese

Lesson 18. Sensory Attributes of Ripened Cheese

Module 6. Fat rich dairy products

Lesson 19. Sensory Evaluation of Cream

Lesson 20. Butter: Specific requirements of high-grade butter, undesirable attributes of butter, butter score card, sensory evaluation of butter.

Lesson 21. Ghee and AMF: Grade of ghee and AMF, Special requirements of quality ghee and AMF, defects in ghee and AMF, ghee score card, sensory evaluation of ghee and AMF.

Module 7. Frozen Dairy Products

Lesson 22. Desirable and undesirable characteristics of ice-cream, sensory evaluation of Ice cream.

Lesson 23. Desirable and undesirable characteristics of Kulfi and milk sherbets. Sensory Evaluation of Kulfi and Milk sherbets

Module 8. Concentrated and Dried Products

Lesson 24. Concentrated Milks: Desirable attributes and defects, judging and grading of evaporated and condensed milks.

Lesson 25. Dried Dairy Products: Desirable and undesirable characteristics of dried dairy products. Judging and grading of dried dairy products.

Module 9. Heat Desiccated Indian Milk Products

Lesson 26. Khoa: Desirable and undesirable characteristics of different types of Khoa. Sensory evaluation of Khoa.

Lesson 27. Khoa based sweets: Desirable and undesirable characteristics of different types of khoa based, i.e. Peda, gulabjamun etc. Sensory evaluation of khoa based sweetes.
Module 10. Heat and Acid Coagulated Milk Products

Lesson 28. Paneer: Desirable characteristics of planner and defects, Judging and grading of planner.

Lesson 29. Chhana and Chhana based Sweets: Desirable and undesirable characteristics of Chhana and Chhana based sweets Sensory evaluation of chhana and chhana based sweets.

Module 11. Consumer Acceptance Studies

Lesson 30. Objectives, Methods, types of questionnaires, development of questionnaires

Module 12. Objective methods for sensory evaluation and milk products with defect

Lesson 31. Interrelationship between sensory properties of dairy products with instrumental and physic chemical tests

Lesson 32. Preparation of milk and milk products with defects, techniques for simulation.

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