
Soil Chemistry, Soil Fertility & Nutrient Management PDF Book

Book Detail:
Language: English

Pages: 170

Author: TNAU

Price: Free

Agriculture PDF Books



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1. Soil Chemistry
2. Soil pH and Buffer pH
3. Soil pH and Percent Base Saturation
4. Soil as a source of plant nutrients – Essential and beneficial elements, criteria of essentiality
5. Forms of nutrients in soil and their functions in plants
6. Mechanism of nutrient transport in plants
7. Nitrogen – Transformation, factors affecting nitrogen availability, deficiency and toxicity symptoms
8. Phosphorus – Transformation, factors affecting Phosphorus availability, deficiency and toxicity symptoms
9. Potassium – Transformation, factors affecting Potassium availability, deficiency and toxicity symptoms
10. Secondary nutrients – Transformation, factors affecting nutrient availability, deficiency and toxicity symptoms
11. Micro nutrients – Transformation, factors affecting nutrient availability, deficiency and toxicity symptoms
12. Nutrient Deficiency and Toxicity
13. Soil Fertility Evaluation
14. Predicting Yields using Nutrient Functions
15 Fertility Evaluation By Plant Analysis
16 Soil Testing and Correlation
17. Soil Testing
18. Fertility Survey and Mapping
19. Permanent Manorial Experiments
20. Fertilizers – Use and Legislation
21. Prospects of Fertilizer Use
22. Tolerance limit in Plant Nutrient for various fertilizers
23. Genesis, Characteristics, and Reclamation of acid soils
24. Genesis, Characteristics, and Reclamation of saline soils
25. Genesis, Characteristics, and Reclamation of sodic soils
26. Characteristics and Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils
27. Assessment of Irrigation Water Quality


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