
Statistics PDF Book with Practicals

Book Detail:  Statistics with Practicals 

Language: English

Pages: 267

Author: TNAU

Price: Free






Outlines of Statistics

  1. Data – definition – Collection of data – Primary and secondary data – Classification of data – Qualitative and quantitative data
  2. Diagrammatic representation of data – uses and limitations – simple, Multiple, Component and percentage bar diagrams – pie chart
  3. Graphical representation – Histogram – Frequency polygon and Frequency curve
  4. Measures of averages – Mean – median – mode – geometric mean – harmonic mean – computation of the above statistics for raw and grouped data – merits and demerits – measures of location – percentiles – quartiles – computation of the above statistics for raw and grouped data
  5. Measures of dispersion – Range, Variance -Standard deviation – co-efficient of variation – computation of the above statistics for raw and grouped data
  6. Probability – Basic concepts-trial- event-equally likely- mutually exclusive – independent event, additive and multiplicative laws. Theoretical distributions discrete
    and continuous distributions, Binomial distributions-properties
  7. Poisson Distributions – properties, Normal Distributions- properties
  8. sampling-basic concepts- sampling vs complete enumeration parameter and statistic-sampling methods-simple random sampling and stratified random sampling
  9. Test of significance – Basic concepts – null hypothesis – alternative hypothesis – level of significance – Standard error and its importance – steps in testing
  10. T-test – definition – assumptions – test for equality of two means-independent and paired t test
  11. Attributes- Contingency table – 2×2 contingency table – Test for independence of attributes – test for goodness of fit of mendalian ratio
  12. Correlation – definition – Scatter diagram -Pearson’s correlation co-efficient – properties of correlation coefficient
  13. Regression – definition – fitting of simple linear regression equation – testing the significance of the regression coefficient
  14. Design of experiments – basic concepts – treatment – experimental unit – experimental error – basic principle – replication, randomization and local control.
  15. Completely randomized design – description – layout – analysis – advantages and disadvantages
  16. Randomized blocks design – description – layout – analysis – advantages and disadvantages
  17. Latin square design – description – layout – analysis – advantages and disadvantages
  18. Factorial experiments – factor and levels – types – symmetrical and asymmetrical – simple, main and interaction effects – advantages and disadvantages
  19. 22 Factorial Experiments in RBD – lay out – analysis
  20. 23 factorial experiments in RBD – lay out – analysis
  21. Split plot design – layout – ANOVA Table
  22. Strip plot design – layout – ANOVA Table
  23. Long term experiments – ANOVA table – guard rows – optimum plot size – determination methods.

P1. Diagrammatic and graphic representation – simple, multiple, component and percentage bar diagram – pie chart – histogram. Frequency polygon, frequency curve

P2. Measures of central tendency – mean median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean for raw data

P3. Measures of central tendency – mean, median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic mean for grouped data

P4. Measures of dispersion – variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation for raw data

P5. Measures of dispersion – variance, standard deviation and coefficient of variation for grouped data

P6. Selection of simple random sampling using lottery method and random numbers

P7. Students’s t test – paired and independent t test

P8. Chi square test – test for association and goodness of fit

P9. Calculation of Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient

P10. Fitting of simple linear regression of y on x

P11. Formation of ANOVA table for completely Randomised design (CRD) with equal replication and comparison of means using critical difference values

P12. Formation of ANOVA table for Randomised blocks design (RBD) and comparison of means using critical difference values

P13. Formation of ANOVA table for Latin square design (LSD) and comparison of means using critical difference values

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