
World Milk Day । 1 June 2022

World Milk Day is a day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to recognize the importance of milk as a global food. It has been observed on June 1st each year since 2001. The day is intended to provide an opportunity to bring attention to activities that are connected with the milk industry. Many countries spread throughout the world have participated in the celebrations and the number is growing each year. We also celebrate world Milk Day this year on June 1st 2022

Why hold a World Milk Day?

The Day provides an opportunity to focus attention on milk and to publicize activities connected with milk and the milk industry. The fact that many countries choose to do this on the same day lends additional importance to individual national celebrations and shows that milk is a global food.

Where did it begin?

FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) was asked to propose a specific day on which all aspects of milk could be celebrated.


Why 1st June?

This date was chosen because a number of countries were already celebrating a national milk day on or around this time. Late May was originally proposed, but some countries, for example China, felt they already had too many celebrations in that month. While most countries hold their celebrations on 1st June, some choose to hold them a week or so before or after this date.

World Milk Day Themes

  • The theme of world milk day 2012 was “Drink Fresh Milk, Body Fit, Smart Brain”.
  • The theme of world milk day 2013 was “Milk for Health and Prosperity of Southeast Asian region”.
  • The theme of world milk day 2014 was “Milk is the First Food for Human” and “World Class Nutrition”.
  • The theme of world milk day 2015 was “Milk is the First Food for Human”.





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