Comprehension & Developing Communication Skills in English PDF Book


Book Detail: Comprehension and Developing communication skills in English

Language: Englishaeng252

Pages: 80

Author: TNAU

Price: Free


General Agriculture For I. C. A. R. Examinations


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Outlines of comprehension and developing communication skills in English (ENGL 101)

  1. Comprehension – Textual Grammar
  2. Comprehension: Reading Comprehension
  3. Synonyms, List of synonyms, Antonyms
  4. Verbal Ability
  5. Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
  6. Reading Comprehension and answering the questions
  7. Homonyms
  8. Homophones
  9. Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
  10. Reading Comprehension and answering the questions
  11. Functional Grammar, Tenses, Active voice and Passive voice
  12. Functional Grammar, Articles, Prepositions, Parts of Speech
  13. Business and Personal Correspondence
  14. The Style & Importance
  15. Precis Writing, Summarizing
  16. Interviews & Group Discussions


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