Introductory Agro-forestry With Practical PDF Book ICAR eCourse


Book Detail: Introductory Agro-forestry With Practical

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Language: English

Pages: 149

Author: Dr. K. S. Pant, Dr. Yassin, Sh. Mohinder Singh

Price: Free







Outlines of Introductory Agro-forestry

  1. Agroforestry definitions, objectives, potential and distinction between agroforestry and social forestry
  2. Forest definition, classification of forest types, status of indian forest and their role in farming system
  3. Different agroforestry systems, subsystem, practices, afs classification, afs on nature and arrangement of components
  4. Different agroforestry systems, subsystem, practices, afs classification, afs on nature and arrangement of components
  5. Energy plantation, characteristics of tree spp. For energy plantation, different energy plantation species & advantages of energy plantation
  6. Planning for agroforestry – constraints, diagnosis & design methodology
  7. Planning for agroforestry – constraints, diagnosis & design methodology
  8. Selection of tree crop species for agroforestry
  9. Different national and international institutes working in the field of agroforestry/foresty
  10. Multipurpose tree species (mpts) and their management
  11. Nursery, nursery types, importance of nursery and criteria for nursery site selection
  12. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of acacia catechu
  13. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of populus deltoids
  14. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of morus alba and grewia optiva
  15. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of delbergia sissoo
  16. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of eucalyptus teriticornis And tectona grandis l.
  17. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of quercus leucotricophora and dendrocalamus hamiltonii
  18. Economics of cultivation-nursery and planting of tamarindus indica and azadirachata indica


  1. Identification of seeds and seedlings of multipurpose tree species
  2. Cultivation and nursery practices for poplar
  3. Cultivation and nursery practices for grewia optiva
  4. Cultivation and nursery practices for morus alba
  5. Cultivation and nursery practices for acacia catechu
  6. Cultivation and nursery practices for delbergia sissoo
  7. Cultivation and nursery practices for robinia
  8. Cultivation and nursery practices for leucaena
  9. Visit to agroforestry fields to study the compatibility of mpts with agriculture crops
  10. Visit to silvi-pasture agroforestry system
  11. Visit to alley cropping agroforestry model
  12. Visit to horti-silviculture agroforestry model
  13. Visit to agro-silvipastoral agroforestry model
  14. Visit to fuel-wood and fodder block plantation
  15. Visit to social forestry plantations- railway line plantations
  16. Visit to social forestry plantations- road side plantations
  17. Visit to shelterbelt and industrial plantations



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