Food Processing Plant Design & Layout PDF Book

Food Processing Plant Design & layout

Book Detail: Food Processing Plant Design & LayoutFood Processing Plant Design & layout

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Language: English

Pages: 128

Author: Mr. A. K. Sharma, Dr. B. K. Kumbhar

Price: Free


Outlines of Food Processing Plant Design & Layout

Module- 1. Introduction of food plant design and layout

Lesson 1. Introduction to plant design, situations, difference and considerations

Lesson 2. Food plant design process

Lesson 3. Introduction to feasibility study and analysis

Dairy Plant Design And Layout PDF Book

Module- 2. Location and site selection for food plants

Lesson 4. Introduction to plant location

Module- 3. Food plant size, utilities and services

Lesson 5. Food plant size and utilities

Lesson 6.Illumination and Ventilation

Module- 4. Food plant layout Introduction, Planning and Experimentation

Lesson 7. Plant Layout

Lesson 8. Layout Design Procedure

Lesson 9. Experimentation in Pilot Plant

Module- 5. Symbols used for food plant design and layout

Lesson 10. Symbols used for food plant design and layout

Lesson 11. Food processing enterprise

Module- 6. Food processing enterprise and engineering economics

Lesson 12. Engineering economics

Module- 7. Process scheduling and operation

Lesson 13 Process schedule

Lesson 14: Plant operation

Module 8. Building materials and construction

Lesson 15. Building materials

Lesson 16. Building construction

Food Engineering ICAR eCourse PDF Book

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