Farm Power and Machinery (Horticultural) – ICAR eCourse PDF Book Free Download


Book Detail: Farm Power and Machinery (Horticultural) 

Language: Englishcover of Farm Power and Machinery

Pages: 154

Author: S. R. Desai, S. S. Sivakumar

Price: Free

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Outlines of Farm power And Machinery

1 Energy for Agriculture
2 Combustion Engines
3 Four stroke and two stroke engine
4 Spark and compression ignition engines
5 Cooling System
6 Lubrication system
7 Power transmission system
8 Performance of Engine
9 Tractors and power tillers
10 Electric motors
11 Tillage
12 Primary tillage implements
13 Disc Plough
14 Secondary tillage implements
15 Cultivators, levelers, ridger and bund former
16 Sowing Equipments
17 Crop propagation tools, Cutting, Grafting, pruning tools
18 Intercultural Equipment
19 Tools and Equipments for Harvesting

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