Dairy Engineering PDF Book ICAR eCourse


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Language: English

Pages: 136

Author: S. Ravi Kumar

Price: Free


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Dairy Engineering: Course Outline

Sl No Particulars
Module 1: Sanitary pipes, fittings and Milk handling equipment
1.1 Materials and sanitary features of the dairy equipment
1.2 Sanitary pipes and fittings, standard glass piping, plastic tubing, fittings and gaskets
1.3 Installation, care and maintenance of pipes & fittings
1.4 Milk storage tanks, Silos, Road Tankers, Rail Tankers
Module 2: Bottle & Cans Washing and CIP cleaning equipment
2.1 Description, working and maintenance of can washers straight – through can washer
2.2 Bottle washers. Factors affecting washing operations, power requirements of can and bottle washers
2.3 CIP and designing of system
Module 3: Separation equipment
3.1 Mechanical Separation: Fundamentals involved in separation
3.2 Principals involved in filtration, Types, rates of filtration, pressure drop calculations
3.3 Gravity settling, Sedimentation, Principles of centrifugal separation
3.4 Different types of centrifuges. Application in Dairy Industry, clarifiers, tri processors, cream separator
3.5 Self-disludging centrifuge, Bacto-fuge, care and maintenance of separators and clarifiers
3.6 Solving numerical
Module 4: Homogenizers
4.1 Homogenization : Classification, single stage and two stage homogenizer pumps, power requirement for homogenization
4.2 care and maintenance of homogenizers, aseptic homogenizers
4.3 Solving numerical
Module 5: Pasteurizers
5.1 Pasteurization: Batch, flash and continuous (HTST) pasteurizers
5.2 Pasteurizer control, Flow diversion valve
5.3 Care and maintenance of pasteurizer
5.4 Solving numerical
Module 6: Sterilizing & Packing equipment
6.1 Different types of sterilizers, in- bottle sterilizers, autoclaves
6.2 Continuous sterilization plant, UHT sterilization
6.3 Aseptic packaging and equipment. Care and maintenance of Sterilizers.
6.4 Solving numerical
Module 7: Filling equipment
7.1 Filling Operation: Principles and working of different types of bottle fillers and capping machine
7.2 Pouch filling machine, Form-Fill-Seal Types
7.3 Aseptic filling by bulk handling system, care and maintenance
Module 8: Mixing and agitation equipment
8.1 Mixing and agitation
8.2 Power consumption of mixer-impeller, selection of mixing equipment in dairy industry, mixing pumps
8.3 Solving numerical

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