Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology PDF Book


Book Detail: Extension Methodologies for Transfer of Agricultural Technology

Language: EnglishAEXT392 Extension Methodologies for Transfer of agricultural Technology

Pages: 168

Author: TNAU

Price: Free




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Outlines of Extension Methodologies for Transfer of agricultural Technology

  1. Communication
  2. Communication models
  3. Forms of communication
  4. Extension programme planning
  5. Principles of programme planning
  6. Monitoring and evaluation of extension programme
  7. Extension teaching methods
  8. Individual contact methods
  9. Group contact methods
  10. Small group techniques
  11. Mass contact methods
  12. Factors influencing in selection of extension teaching methods
  13. Innovative information sources
  14. Journalism
  15. Diffusion of innovations
  16. Model of adoption process
  17. Capacity building of extension personnel and farmers
  18. Assessment of training needs

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