Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and Their Management PDF Book


Book Detail: Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and Their Management

Language: English

Pages: 420

Author: TNAU

Price: Free


Course Outline: Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and Their Management

1 Rice

2 Rice

3 Sorghum, pearl and finger millet

4 Maize and Wheat

5 Pulse

6 Redgram and Chickpea

7 Coconut and Arecanut

8 Oil Seeds- Groundnut, Sunflower and Safflower

9 Gingelly, Castor, Mustard nd Linseed

10 Cotton

11 Cotton

12 Sugarcane

13 Sugarcane

14 Sunhemp, Jute and Mesta

15 Tabacco

16 Mango

17 Citrus

18 Banana and Cashew

19 Guava, Pomegranate and Sapota

20 Apple

21 Brinjal and Tomato

22 Chillies and Peas

23 Okra and Cucurbits

24 Cruciferour vegetables

25 Tuber Vegetables

26 Amarnthus and Moringa

27 Onion, Garlic, Turmeric and Ginger

28 Pepper, Cardamom and Betelvine

29 Tea and Coffee

30 Rose and Jasmine

31 Ornamental Plants


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