Farmers, activists demand immediate rollback of approval for GM Mustard


Farmers, activists demand immediate rollback of approval for GM Mustard 

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Students, farmers’ unions and environmental activists today protested outside the Ministry of Environment demanding immediate rollback of the approval for commercial use of GM Mustard.

The activists alleged that the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), a ministry body that had given the approval on May 11, was functioning “unscientifically” and “irregularly” and asked for its dissolution.

“We are asking for dissolution of GEAC as the body is discredited and its functions are always secretive,” said Kavitha Kuruganti of Sarson Satyagraha.
The protesters promised to organise a nationwide stir if their demand was not met. They also challenged the ministry to an open debate on the use of genetically modified crops.

“GM crops affect farmers as it makes them rely on companies which supply the seeds and gives no scope for reproduction of seeds,” said an India-based German-native associated with an urban farming company, who wished to remain anonymous.
Another activist who did not want to be named said, “When several mustard-growing states and various politicians are against the use of such crops, why does the environment ministry have to hurry in using such poisoned crops.”
The protesters were not allowed to enter the ministry to submit a memorandum to the Union Minister Anil Madhav Dave on this.





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