FSSAI notifies compositional stds of mozzarella cheese; norms to come into effect from May 1, 2025.

Ashwani Maindola, New Delhi 
The FSSAI has notified compositional standards of mozzarella cheese wherein fat in dry matter shall be 18% (minimum) and 20% (minimum), respectively, for low moisture and high moisture mozzarella cheese.

Further, “suitable qualifiers linked to fat in dry matter specified shall be used in conjunction with the designation Mozzarella Cheese’ and the designation of mozzarella cheese with high moisture content shall also be accompanied by the qualifying term ‘High moisture’,” reads the notification.

According to the notified standards mozzarella cheese can be designated as partially skimmed, medium fat, full fat and high fat.

Equal to or above 18% to 30% fat in dry matter content mozzarella cheese shall be designated as partially skimmed and medium fat should have fat in dry matter equal to or above 30% and less than 45%.

Similarly above & equal to 45% but less than 60% fat in dry content shall be designated as full fat while fat in dry matter equal to or above 60% but less than 85% shall be designated as high fat mozzarella cheese. 

According to FSSAI, these regulations shall come into effect from May 1, 2025.


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