Introductory Microbiology With Practical’s – ICAR eCourse PDF Free Download


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Language: English

Pages: 119

Author: Dr. S. B. Gurumurthy, Dr. K. Kumutha

Price: Free

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Outlines of Introductory Microbiology

  1. Introduction
  2. Milestones in the field of Microbiology
  3. Scope and Importance
  4. The Microscopic examination of microorganisms
  5. Microbiological stains
  6.  7. Structure and organization of Microorganisms
  1. Types of Culture Media and Preculture Techniques
  2. 10. Microbial Nutrition
  1. Microbial Growth
  2. 13. Viruses

14, 15. Microbial Genetics

  1. Mutation
  2.  18. Interrelationship between microorganisms


1-2. Study of compound microscope/bright field microscope

  1. Study of parts of microscope
  2. Examination of animate and inanimate objects
  3. Working of microscope
  4. Microscopic examination of living microorganisms by Temporary Wet Mount (TWM) technique.
  5. Hanging drop technique for demonstrating motility of living bacteria.
  6. Simple Staining technique
  7. Differential staining technique-Gram stain
  8. Study of structural staining technique
  9. Sterilization techniques
  10. Preparation of culture media (nutrient agar)
  11. Preparation of nutrient broth
  12. Preparation of nutrient agar slants/slopes

12-13. Isolation and culture of microorganisms by streak plate method

14-15. Isolation and culture of microorganisms by serial dilution technique and pour-plate method

17-18. Determination of rate of microbial growth by Turbidometric technique.



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