Mechanics of Tillage and Traction PDF Book

Mechanics of Tillage and Traction

Book Detail: Mechanics of Tillage and TractionMechanics of Tillage and Traction

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Language: English

Pages: 164

Author: Dr. D. Anantha Krishnan, Dr. Ananthachar

Price: Free


All Agricultural Engineering Books






Outlines of Mechanics of Tillage and Traction

1 introduction to mechanics of tillage tools

  1. History of tillage
  2. Soil-machine crop system
  3. Mechanics of tillage tools
  4. Analysis of soil-machine dynamics in tillage

2 engineering properties of soil, principles and concepts, stress strain relationship

  1. Physical properties of soils
  2. Mechanical properties of soils
  3. Assessment of the dynamic properties of soils
  4. Assessment of the dynamic properties of soils (continued)

3 design of tillage tools, principles of soil cutting

  1. Design of tillage tools
  2. Design of tillage tools
  3. Mould board plow surfaces
  4. Principles of soil cutting

4 deign equation, force analysis

  1. Design equation

5 application of dimensional analysis in soil dynamics performance of tillage tools

  1. Dimensional analysis
  2. Development of prediction equations
  3. Methods of dimensional analysis
  4. Application of dimensional analysis and similitude to soil mechanics

6 introduction to traction and mechanics, off road traction and mobility

  1. Traction
  2. Traction mechanics
  3. Off road traction

7 traction model, traction improvement, traction prediction, tyre size, tyre lug, geometry and their effects, tyre testing

  1. Traction model
  2. Traction improvement and traction prediction
  3. Cone index and tire basics
  4. Tires for agricultural tractors
  5. Tire terminology and selection of tires
  6. Ballasting

8 soil compaction and plant growth, variability and geo statistics, application of gis in soil dynamics

  1. Soil compaction
  2. Mechanical and hydraulic properties of compacted soil
  3. Soil physical properties and plant growth
  4. Measures for optimizing crop growth by avoiding excessive soil compaction
  5. Geostatistics / kriging
  6. Gis for soil variability studies



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