PM launches Amul plant


PM launches Amul plant

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Though there had been several cancellations of Prime Minister meeting cooperators in the past he did find time to inaugurate a state of the art Amul cheese plant at the milk co-operative dairy plant of Banas dairy in Deesa in Banaskantha district of Gujarat on Saturday.

Built at the cost of Rs 350 crore, cow milk of the famous Kankrej variety of this area will be processed at this plant. It is meant to be sold in a select few markets.

Landing at Ahmedabad airport Prime Minister Narendra Modi headed to Deesa where he addressed a rally largely consisting of farmers.

Modi also inaugurated a honey plant as well as Banas bank with online and mobile facilities to popularize cashless transactions.

Talking to Indian Cooperative R S Sodhi, MD of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) said, “This cheese plant (at Deesa) has a production capacity of 50 tonne per day. This will take the total cheese production capacity of Amul brand to 120 tonne per day.”

“This pure A2 cow milk will be made available in 500ml pet bottles through Amul parlours of Ahmedabad city amul-plant-cheeses exclusively. This product aims to target consumers who require pure cow milk from indigenous cow breeds. We aim to sell 10,000 LPD (litres per day) within one month,” said Sodhi. He said this product, called Amul Deshi, will be available at Rs 35 per 500ml pet bottle.

Speaking at a rally in Deesa Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out at the opposition for not allowing Parliament to function. An anguished Prime Minister said since he is not being allowed to speak in Lok Sabha, so he is speaking in Jan Sabhas.

Porbandar MP Vitthal Radadiya was absent in the BJP rally of PM. He is said to have been indisposed. Earlier, Radadiya had openly expressed his displeasure with the demonetization decision and the miseries it had c for caused for farmers. He heads the Rajkot District Cooperative Bank.





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