Dairy and Food Engineering PDF Book

Dairy and Food Engineering

Dairy and Food Engineering: Physical, chemical and biological methods of food preservation, changes undergone by the food components during processing, evaporation, drying, freezing juice extraction, filtration, membrane separation, thermal processing, plant utilities requirement.


Book Detail: Dairy and Food EngineeringDairy and Food Engineering

Language: English

Pages: 225

Author:  R. B. Modi

Price: Free


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Outlines of Dairy and Food Engineering

Module 1. Dairy Development in India

Lesson 1. Dairy development in India

Module 2. Engineering, thermal and chemical properties of milk and milk products.

Lesson 2. Engineering properties of milk and milk products

Lesson 3. Thermal properties of milk and milk products

Lesson 4. Chemical properties of milk and milk products-I

Lesson 5. Chemical properties of milk and milk products-II

Module 3. Unit operation of various dairy and food processing systems, process flow charts for product manufacture.

Lesson 6. Unit operation of various dairy and food processing systems-I

Lesson 7. Unit operation of various dairy and food processing systems-II

Lesson 8- Assignment

Lesson 9 . Process flow charts for dairy and food product manufacture

Module 4. Working principles of equipment for receiving, pasteurization sterilization, homogenization, filling & packaging, butter manufacture.

Lesson 10. Milk Reception and Homogenization

Lesson 11. Pasteurization of Milk

Lesson 12. Filling and Packaging of Milk

Lesson 13. Working principles of equipment for sterilization of milk

Lesson 14. Working Principles of Butter Manufacturing

Module 5. Dairy plant design and layout, composition and proximate analysis of food products.

Lesson 15. Dairy plant design and layout-I

Lesson 16. Dairy plant design and layout-II

Lesson 17. Composition of food products

Lesson 18. Proximate analysis of food products

Module 6. Deterioration in products and their controls.

Lesson 19. Deterioration in Food Products and Physical deterioration.

Lesson 20. Bio-Chemical Deterioration in Food Products

Lesson 21. Control of Deteriorations in Food Products

Module 7. Physical, chemical and biological methods of food preservation.

Lesson 22. Introduction / History Of Physical, Chemical And Biological Methods Of Food Preservation

Lesson 23. Physical methods of food preservation-I

Lesson 24. Physical Methods Of Food Preservation -II

Lesson 25. Chemical And Biological Methods Of Food Preservation

Module 8. Changes undergone by the food components during processing, evaporation, drying, freezing juice extraction, filtration, membrane separation, thermal processing.

Lesson 26. Changes undergone by the food components during Thermal Processing

Lesson 27. Changes undergone by the food components during Evaporation, Drying

Lesson 28. Changes undergone by the food components during Freezing

Lesson 29. Changes Undergone By Fruit Components During Extraction, Filtration and Membrane Processing

Module 9. Plant utilities requirement.

Lesson 30. Compressed Air, Water And Steam

Lesson 31. Refrigeration Systems

Lesson 32. Electrical Energy And Distribution System


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