Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Consultancy


Book Detail: Entrepreneurship Development & Industrial Consultancy 

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Language: English

Pages: 125

Author: A. K. Makwana, A. K. Chauhan

Price: Free


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Course Outline: Entrepreneurship Development & Industrial Consultancy (2+0)

Module 1. Entrepreneurial Environment

Lesson 1. Assessing Overall Business Environment in Indian Economy

Lesson 2. Overview of Indian Social, Political and Economic Systems and Their Implication for Decision Making By Individual Entrepreneurs, Part-I

Lesson 3. Overview of Indian social, political and economic systems and their implication for decision making by individual entrepreneurs, Part-2

Lesson 4. Globalization and the Emerging Business / Entrepreneurial Environment

Lesson 5. Globalization and the Emerging Business / Entrepreneurial Environment Part-II

Module 2. Concept and working of entrepreneur

Lesson 6. Concept of Entrepreneurship and Managerial Characteristics

Lesson 7. Managing an Enterprise

Lesson 8. Motivation and Entrepreneurship Development

Lesson 9. Women Entrepreneurship

Lesson 10. Generation, Incubation and Commercialization of Ideas and Innovations

Lesson 11. Importance of Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Follow Up

Lesson 12. Managing Competition and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes

Module 3. Government policies

Lesson 13. Government Schemes and Incentives for Promotion of Entrepreneurship

Lesson 14. Government Policy on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs/SSIs)

Module 4. Overview of dairy industry

Lesson 15. SWOT Analysis of Dairy Industry

Lesson 16. Overview of Dairy Input Industry Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

Lesson 17. Characteristics of Indian Dairy Processing and Export Industry

Lesson 18. Export and import policies relevant to Dairy Sector

Module 5. Business Policy

Lesson 19. Venture capital and Joint venture

Lesson 20. Contract Farming and Public private partnership

Lesson 21. Social Responsibilities of Business

Module 6. System of milk procurement and processing, pricing and marketing of milk and milk products

Lesson 22. System of Milk Procurement From Rural Milk Producer’s

Lesson 23. System of Milk Processing And Product Manufacturing: An Economic View

Lesson 24. Pricing of Milk And Milk Products

Lesson 25. Marketing of Milk And Milk Products: An Economic Aspect

Module 7. Recruitment and training of manpower

Lesson 26. Recruitment and Training of Manpower

Lesson 27. Survey for Estimation of Milk Production Potential

Module 8. Estimation of milk production and marketed surplus

Lesson 28. Estimation of Marketed Surplus and Setting Up of Milk Plant

Module 9. Estimation of cost and energy in product manufacture in food processing plant, sources for setting up of milk plants

Lesson 29. Estimation of Cost of Milk Products Manufacturing

Lesson 30. Estimation of Energy Utilization for Manufacturing Milk Products

Module 10. ISO/HACCP Certification

Lesson 31. Sources of Finance for Setting of Dairy Farms & Processing Units

Lesson 32. Guidelines for Obtaining ISO/HACCP Certification for Dairy Plants


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  1. I am a lecturer at the Agricultural College of the University of Belize. so your resource material is very useful in training and guiding the training of your farmers and entrepreneurs. Thanks .


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