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Horti-Business Management – ICAR E-Course PDF Book Free Download

Book DetailHorti-Business Management

Language: English Cover of Horti-Business Management

Pages: 219

Author: S.D.Siva Kumar, Ramesha Y.S.

Price: Free

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  1. Farm management – definition, nature, characteristics and scope
  2. Farm management principles and decision making
  3. Production function, technical relationships
  4. Cost concepts, curves and functions
  5. Factor – product, relationship, Factor – factor relationship and Product – product relationship, optimum conditions
  6. Principles of opportunity cost, equi-marginal returns and comparative advantages
  7. Time value of money, economic of scale, returns to scale
  8. Cost of cultivation and production and break even analysis
  9. Decision making under risk and uncertainty
  10. Farming systems and types
  11. Business Management – meaning, definition of management, functions of management
  12. Planning – meaning, steps and methods of planning, types of plan, characteristics of effective plans
  13. Organizations – forms of business organizations, organizational principles, division of labour
  14. Job design and span of control
  15. Responsibility, power, authority and accountability
  16. Direction – guiding, leading, motivating, supervising
  17. Coordination – ¬meaning, types and methods of controlling – evaluation, control systems and devices
  18. Budgeting as a tool for planning and control. Record keeping as a tool of control
  19. Functional areas of management – operations management – physical facilities, implementing the plan
  20. Scheduling the work, controlling production in terms of quantity and quality
  21. Materials management – types of inventories, inventory costs, managing the inventories, economic order quantity (EOQ)
  22. Personnel management – recruitment, selection and training, job specialization
  23. Marketing management – meaning, marketing functions
  24. Marketing Institutions – shandies, co-operative and regulated marketing institutions
  25. Marketing Institutions – other marketing institutions and WTO
  26. Marketing channels, marketing costs, margins, price spread and marketing efficiency
  27. Price analysis – forecasting and market integration
  28. Planning the marketing programmes, marketing mix and four P’s of marketing of mix
  29. Market segmentation – methods of market segmentation, product life cycle
  30. Pricing policy, pricing method, price at various stages of marketing
  31. Financial management – credit, types of credit, 3R’s of credit, types of repayment
  32. Important financial institutions
  33. Financial statements and ratios, capital budgeting
  34. Project management – definition, project preparation evaluation measures

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