Agricultural Finance & Cooperation PDF Book


Book Detail:  Agricultural Finance & Cooperation 

Language: EnglishAECO241

Pages: 182

Author: TNAU

Price: Free

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Outlines of Agricultural Finance & Cooperation 

  1. Agricultural finance: nature and scope
  2. Time value of money
  3. Agricultural credit-meaning, definition, need and classification
  4. Credit analysis
  5. History of financing agriculture in India
  6. Commercial banks
  7. Regional rural banks
  8. Higher financing institutions
  9. Crop insurance
  10. Crop insurance
  11. Agricultural cooperation-philosophy and principles. History of Indian co-operative movement, pre-independence and post independence periods, cooperation in different plan periods, cooperative credit structure-PACS, FSCS
  12. Reorganization of cooperative credit structure in Andhra Pradesh and single window system
  13. Successful cooperative systems in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab

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