
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. After the 2nd world war to maintaining international peace and promote Human rights.

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This day is celebrated on 24th October on every year. It is celebrated to inform the people of the world about the goals and achievements of the United Nations Organization. It is an organization that works in collaboration with several specialized agencies.  The United Nations Organization helps people in both types of disasters, whether it is a natural disaster or a disaster caused by war.  The main goal of this organization is to help the suffering people. As we can say that “WE ARE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS”

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The world is changing in the United Nations favour, as more people and government understand that Multilateralism is the only way in our interdependent and globalizing world here, globalizing means freedom, justice and the peaceful resolution of disputes, better standard of living, equality and tolerance & Human rights. By these paramount Our world becomes change to interdependent and globalizing world. It is an organization, well known by everyone around the world. They offer to provide people in places where people need medical help as well as clean water, food, and places to rest and recover.  United Nations Day celebrates the foundation day of this great organization, and is a great opportunity for you to learn about the organization’s past, present, and plans for the future. People in different countries celebrate United Nations day with national flag and costumes.

History of United Nations Day :-

The foundation of the ‘League of Nations’ was laid in the Treaty of Versailles, which was one of the treaties to formally end World War I.  The treaty was signed on June 28, 1919 at Versailles, France.  The purpose of the league was to encourage disarmament, prevent the outbreak of war, and promote negotiating diplomatic measures to settle international disputes and improve the quality of life around the world.  However, after World War II, the League of Nations realized that we needed to operate in a different form.  The idea of ​​the United Nations developed in the last years of World War II, especially during the United Nations Conference in San Francisco, which began on April 25, 1945.  The United Nations was officially created on 24 October of the same year when a United Nations Charter was ratified.  United Nations Day was first celebrated on October 24, 1948.  According to the recommendation of the United Nations, since 1971, United Nations Day should be a public holiday in member countries.  It was also stated that United Nations Day should be an international public holiday to bring people’s attention to the role of the United Nations and the achievements of the United Nations.  The United Nations does not work alone, but by several specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO),/ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (  UNESCO) / United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) / International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees / United  Works with Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),/ United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

How to celebrate United Nations Day :-

United Nations Daycan be celebrated by knowing about this great organization.  The basic rights and privileges that people around the world are enjoying are the result of the work done by the United Nations.  Recently, access to the Internet was declared a basic human right. This declaration ensures that everyone around the world can access information and communication networks.  Although this does not guarantee that everyone will have the ability to use the Internet, it does guarantee that everyone has the right to use the Internet.

What is the ‘theme’ of United Nations Day 2021?

The corona virus epidemic has emerged as a major crisis for the world today.  This year’s theme for United Nations Day 2021 is ‘The Future We Want, The UN We Need: Reaffirming Our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism’.


    • United Nations has established a set of goals.
    • Formation of UN helps to reduce war and helps to solve the major issue.
    • United Nations educational scientific and cultural organizations is a specialized agency of the United Nations which is established on 1946
    • The organization tried to reducing POVERTY, CHILD MORTALITY etc.
    • In every year, the member nation meet and exchange their ideas in the General assembly
    • The UN began with 51 countries and is now comprised of 193 member States, Now 193 countries out of 195, are joint in UN. The Holy see & the state of Palestine are 2 country not joined in UN
    • The official languages of the United Nations are Chinese, English, French, Russian & Spanish. Arabic was later added as an official language
    • The United Nations has six principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat.( The secretariat. Is the administrative center of UN- operations and is headed by the secretary-General. WHO is the director of the UN.)
    • The United Nations logo consisting of the MAP of the world in scribed in a wreath of crossed STYLIZED Olive tree branches.
    • On Feb 2 ,1946 NORWEGIAN “STATESMAN TRYGVE LIE” was elected as the first secretary general of the United Nations.
    • The UN security council has 15 members, there are 5 permanent members. The United States, the Russian federation, Britain, France and china. And 10 temporary members.
    • The U.N provides Food to 90 millions people in over 75 countries.
    • The U.N vaccinated 58% of the world children’s.
    • They work with 140 Nations to combat CLIMATE change.
    • They protects Human rights through 80 different treaties and Declarations.
    • The U.N mobilizes $12.5 BILLION in HUMANITARIAN AID.

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