Article publisher Guidelines

Best Article Award

Article writing Guidelines

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  1. Article should be in English language.
  2. Article should be related to Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy & Food, and Agricultural Engineering.
  3. Article should have good content and based on good technical informations.
  4. It will be better if you make it easy for your reader.
  5. Keep your paragraphs short and your text visually appealing.
  6. Article should have min 600 -2000 words.
  7. Article should submitted in Word or PDF format.
  8. One person can send more than one article.

The Format of Article Writing

  1. Heading / Title
  2. Body (the main part of the article, 2 – 5 paragraphs)
  3. Max 4 picture related article.
  4. Conclusion (Ending paragraph of the article with the opinion or recommendation, anticipation or an appeal)
  5. A line having the writer’s name (Name, Profession, Mobile No, Email)
  6. References


Terms and Conditions

  1. Fee: Free
  2. Articles will be selected by our team, and after selection will confirmed you
  3. Academicians/ Scholars/ Students/ Industrialists can attend these contests.

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