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Language: English

Pages: 234

Author: Vijay Kumar

Price: Free

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Course Outlines
Module 1: Introduction
Lesson 1. By-products and issue involved in their utilization
Lesson 2. Global status, availability and utilization of dairy by-products
Lesson 3. Indian status, availability and utilization of dairy by-products

Module 2: Skim milk and its by-products

Lesson 4. Physico-chemical characteristics of skim milk
Lesson 5. Casein: classification & specifications
Lesson 6. Basic principles of edible acid casein manufacture
Lesson 7. Continuous manufacturing of hydrochloric acid casein
Lesson 8. Manufacture of lactic casein
Lesson 9. Manufacture of rennet casein
Lesson 10. Industrial uses of caseins-1
Lesson 11. Industrial uses of caseins-2
Lesson 12. Manufacture of sodium caseinate
Lesson 13. Manufacture of other caseinates
Lesson 14. Production of casein hydrolysates
Lesson 15. Enzymatic production of casein hydrolysates
Lesson 16. Debittering of protein hydrolysates
Lesson 17. Co-precipitates: Introduction and basic principles for production
Lesson 18. Manufacture of co-precipitates
Lesson 19. Physico-chemical properties of co-precipitates

Module 3: Processing and Utilization of whey
Lesson 20. Physico-chemical characteristics of whey
Lesson 21. Manufacture of condensed whey products
Lesson 22. Manufacture of dried whey
Lesson 23. Physico-chemical properties and utilization of condensed and dried whey products
Lesson 24. Whey beverages
Lesson 25. Fermented whey beverages
Lesson 26. Fermented products from whey-1
Lesson 27. Fermented products from whey-2
Lesson 28. Electrodialysis process for demineralisation
Lesson 29. Ion exchange process for demineralisation
Lesson 30. Demineralisation of whey and its utilization
Lesson 31. Methods of whey protein recovery from whey
Lesson 32. Manufacture of whey protein concentrates by molecular separation processes
Lesson 33. Physico-chemical properties of whey protein concentrates
Lesson 34. Manufacture of crude lactose
Lesson 35. Refining of lactose
Lesson 36. Uses of lactose
Lesson 37. Lactose hydrolysis
Lesson 38. Applications of hydrolysed lactose

Module 4: Functional properties of milk protein products
Lesson 39. Functional properties of whey proteins
Lesson 40. Functional properties of casein products

Module 5: Food application of milk protein products
Lesson 41. Food application of milk protein products-1
Lesson 42. Food application of milk protein products-2

Module 6: Butter milk
Lesson 43. Physico-chemical characteristics of buttermilk and its preservation
Lesson 44. Utilization of buttermilk

Module 7: Ghee-residue
Lesson 45. Ghee-residue and its characteristics
Lesson 46. Ghee-residue: Processing and utilization

Module 8: Nutritional characteristics of by-products
Lesson 47. Nutritional characteristics of skim milk and its by-products, buttermilk & ghee-residue
Lesson 48. Nutritional characteristics of whey and its by-products



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