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HomeBookEnvironmental Science ICAR eCourse PDF Book Free

Environmental Science ICAR eCourse PDF Book Free

Book Detail: Environmental Science

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences (including ecology, biology, physics, chemistry, plant science, zoology, mineralogy, oceanography, limnology, soil science, geology and physical geography, and atmospheric science) to the study

Language: English

Pages: 319


Price: Free

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Outlines for Environmental Science

  1. Introduction, definition, scope and importance of environmental studies. Environment – definition and importance
  2. Components of environment – structure of earth – different spheres of earth -atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere : Introduction and definition
  3. Biogeochemical cycles – Importance
  4. Air environment – Structure, composition and importance of different layers of atmosphere
  5. Water environment – classification – freshwater, importance, availability, components, zones, biotic and abiotic interaction
  6. Marine water – importance, availability, components, zones, biotic and abiotic interaction
  7. Global and Indian environment – past and present status
  8. Environmental pollution – definition, types of pollution, pollutant, types of pollutants
  9. Air pollution , major air pollutants, source, effect and control measures
  10. Criteria air pollutants, air quality index (AQI), National ambient air quality standards. Important air pollution events
  11. Water pollution, source, effect and control measures, water quality standards, eutrophication
  12. Soil pollution, source, effect and control measures
  13. Noise pollution, source, effect and control measures
  14. Impact of different pollution on human, organism and environment
  15. Food contaminants, preservatives, artificial colours, source, effects and regulations
  16. Smog – definition – classification – particulate pollution – brown air smog (photochemical smog), gray air smog (industrial smog) formation and chemistry
  17. Mid semester examination
  18. Acid rain – source, formation, effect and control measures
  19. Global warming: global warning – green house effect – green house gases – latest developments – effect and control measures
  20. Ozone layer – importance, ozone formation and depletion, ozone depleting substances, chemistry and control measures
  21. Biomagnification – introduction, definition, process and control
  22. Sewage water source, characteristics, sewage treatment process
  23. Hazardous waste – handling and management – incineration, pyrolysis and other hazardous waste management practices
  24. Deforestation – forms, causes – Consequences of Deforestation, conservation strategy
  25. Role of central pollution control board in pollution prevention and control
  26. Prevention and control of pollution – technological and sociological measures and solution, Indian and global efforts. Environmental act, law, policy and legislation in India.
  27. Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution ) act, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution ) act, Wildlife protection act, Forest conservation act
  28. International voluntary agencies mandates and activities in environmental conservation – Indian voluntary agencies mandates and activities in environmental conservation
  29. Important global treaties, agreements & conventions on the environment
  30. International conferences, convention and summits – major achievements of Montreal protocol, Earth summit
  31. Kyoto protocol, Emission trading, CDM, Copenhagen summit – over view
  32. Environmental impact assessment – Over view
  33. Socio economic factors responsible for environmental degradation
  34. Human population growth and life style. Environmental education and awareness: overview

Also Download: Environmental Engineering


  1. Visit to near by water (pond/river) ecosystem to study biotic and abiotic components
  2. Documentation of biotic and abiotic components of pond/river ecosystem
  3. Estimation of Dissolved oxygen content of river/pond water
  4. Estimation of Biological Oxygen Demand of river/pond water
  5. Study of Bioindicators of pond/river ecosystem
  6. Visit to nearby terrestrial (forest) ecosystem to study biotic and abiotic components
  7. Estimation of organic carbon content of forest/grassland soil
  8. Visit to nearby grassland ecosystem to study biotic and abiotic components
  9. Study of population indices of a grassland ecosystem
  10. Study of pollution indicator plants, insects, birds and animals
  11. Visit to nearby industry to study pollution abatement techniques
  12. Collection, processing and storage of industrial effluent samples
  13. Analysis of temporary and total hardness of effluent sample by titration
  14. Estimation of Chlorides in effluent sample
  15. Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS) in effluent samples
  16. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in effluent sample
  17. Practical examination

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