How to prepare Dahi


Preparation of Dahi

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Dahi is one of tho most important, fomented milks in India. The object of this exercise is to learn the process of manufacturing good quality product.

1. Adequate quantity of good quality fresh milk for the preparation of product.

2. Batch pasteurizer or multipurpose vat.

3.  Good quality starter in adequate quantity to be used.

4 Water bath with connections for steam and water.

5.  suitable containers for setting and final dispensing of curd (dahi).

6. One Thermometer,  o-110°C and testing apparatus.


1. Weigh desired quantity of milk and heat it to pasteurization temperature 62.7°C for 30 mts. Or preferably at 90 °C for 30 mts.

2.  Cool the milk to 37 °C.

3,  Add o.5 to 1%  by weight active starter (Dahi starter) to the milk and mix it thoroughly by gentle stirring.

4. Keep the milk in cleaned and sterilized containers for setting.

5.  Incubate the milk with containers at 37°C till the firm coagulum is obtained(approximately 12 to 16 hrs).

6.  Remove the containers(curd)  from the incubator and keep it in cold store till final disposal.

7.  Clean the equipment and keep them ready for next operation.

8. Record observation in production Chart.


1.  Quantity of milk used_______

2.  Quality of milk Fat____%, SNF____%, Acidity____%

3. Temperature of heating____°C

4. Time of holding _____mts.

5. Cooling Temperature____ °C

6. Starter used___________
Quantity____Gms.                           Rate____%
Body________                                 Texture______
Acidity_______                                Taste_______

7. Setting Equipment______ mts
Time started_____ mts.                  Temp____°C

8.  Quality of curd Good/fair/poor
Texture_____.                                  Body______
Taste_________.                            Acidity______

9. Type and No. of container used_____

10 Outtum_______Kgs ______%

11.  Loss________

12. Temp. of storage_________ °C

13 Remarks_________________


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