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Introductory Agriculture – ICAR eCourse PDF Books

Book Detail:cover Page of Introductory Agriculture

Language: English

Pages: 121

Author: TNAU

Price: Free

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Outline – Introductory Agriculture -AGRICULTURAL HERITAGE OF INDIA

  1. Agriculture Heritage in India
  2. Devlopment of Human Culture and Beginning of Agriculture
  3. Indus Civilization (3250 BC – 2750 BC)
  4. Status of farmers in the society during Indus, Vedic, Buddhist, Mauryan, Gupta and Sangam periods
  5. Kautilta’s Artha-Sastra, Agriculture, animal Husbandry, Commodity Trade etc. – Features of Village
  6. Agriculture in the sangam Literature of Tamil Nadu
  7. Astronomy – Prediction Of Monsoon Rains; Parashara, Varamihira, Panchanga in comparison to modern methods
  8. Ancient soil classification and Maintaince of Soil Productivity
  9. Water harvesting and irrigation developments during different periods – water storage – distribution and relevance to modern agriculture.
  10. Plant Protection in Ancient Period – Ink – Harvesting – Threshing and Storage
  11. Crops – Indigenous and Introduced – History of Rice, Sugarcane and Cotton
  12. Gardening in Ancient and Medieval Period – Arbori Horticulture – Orchards
  13. Traditional Technical Knowledge
  14. Vegetable farming – Floriculture– Perfumes and Medicinal Plants
  15. Role of cattle and other domestic animals- management of cattle for draught and milk – indigenous breeds
  16. Description of Indian civilization and agriculture by travelers from China, Europe and USA
  17. Our Journey in Agriculture and Vision for the Future


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