Irrigation Engineering ICAR eCourse PDF Book free Download


Book Detail: Irrigation Engineering
Language: English

Pages: 361

Author: Dr. K N Tiwari Dr. N S Raghuwanshi

Price: Free







Outlines of Irrigation Engineering

  1. Water Resources of India and its Demand in Various Sectors
  2. Irrigation Development
  3. Irrigation Projects
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment & Inter Basin Water Transfer
  5. Methods of Water Measurements in Open Channels
  6. Weirs
  7. Flumes
  8. Orifices
  9. Water Flow Measurement in Pipes
  10. Pipe Orifice, Water Meter and Propeller Meter
  11. Open Channel Flow
  12. Design of Open Channel
  13. On Farm Structures for Water Conveyance
  14. Structures for Diversions and Channel Crossings
  15. Underground Pipeline Systems
  16. Design and Operation of Underground Pipeline System
  17. Land Grading Survey and Design
  18. Land Leveling Methods
  19. Contour Bench Levelling and Earthwork Quantities Computation
  20. Equipment for Land Grading
  21. Soil Water
  22. Infiltration
  23. Soil Water Movement
  24. Soil Water Constants
  25. Evapotranspiration
  26. Crop Water Requirement
  27. Irrigation Scheduling
  28. Irrigation Efficiency
  29. Surface Irrigation
  30. Surface Irrigation Methods
  31. Surface Irrigation Hydraulics
  32. Furrow Irrigation System
  33. Border Irrigation System
  34. Basin Irrigation System
  35. Sprinkler Irrigation
  36. Types and Components of Sprinkler System
  37. Design of Sprinkler Irrigation System-I
  38. Design of Sprinkler Irrigation System-II
  39. Application of Fertilizers and Chemicals through Sprinkler System
  40. Evaluation of Rotating Head Sprinklers and Operation of Sprinkler System
  41. Drip Irrigation
  42. Components of Drip Irrigation System-I
  43. Description of Drip System Components and their Selection-II
  44. Planning and Design of Drip Irrigation System
  45. Evaluation of Drip Emitters and Design of Drip Irrigation System
  46. Installation Operation and Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Systems
  47. Project Planning and Financial Analysis of Irrigation Project
  48. National Water Policy and Participatory Irrigation Management


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