Watershed Planning and Management PDF Book Notes Free

Watershed Planning and Management

A watershed plan is a strategy and a work plan for achieving water resource goals that provides assessment and management information for a geographically defined watershed. It includes the analyses, actions, participants, and resources related to development and implementation of the plan.

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Book Detail: Watershed Planning and Management

Language: English

Pages: 254

Author: Dr. V.R. Desai, Dr. A Mishra, Dr. Ashwani Kumar

 Price: Free

Outlines of Watershed Planning and Management

Module 1: Watershed Management – Problems and Prospects

Lesson 1 Watershed and Its Management

Lesson 2 Problems and Prospects in Watershed Management

Module 2: Land Capability and Watershed Based Land Use Planning

Lesson 3 Land Capability and its Classification

Lesson 4 Watershed Based Land Use Planning

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Module 3: Watershed Characteristics: Physical and Geomorphologic Factors affecting Watershed Management

Lesson 5 Watershed Characteristics: Classification and Measurement

Lesson 6 Importance of Watershed Properties for Watershed Management

Module 4: Hydrologic Data for Watershed Planning

Lesson 7 Importance of Watershed Planning

Lesson 8 Utility of Hydrologic Data in Watershed Planning

Module 5: Watershed Delineation and Prioritization

Lesson 9 Watershed Delineation

Lesson 10 Prioritization of Watersheds

Module 6: Water Yield Assessment and Measurement

Lesson 11 Water Yield

Lesson 12 Measurement of Water Yield from Watersheds

Module 7: Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design of Watershed Structures

Lesson 13 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design of Recharge Structures

Lesson 14 Design of Earthen Embankments and Diversion Structures

Module 8: Soil Erosion and its Control Measures

Lesson 15 Problem /Types of Water Induced Soil Erosion & Measures for its Control

Lesson 16 Problem/ Types of Wind Induced Soil Erosion & Measures for Control

Module 9: Sediment Yield Estimation/Measurement from a Watershed and Sediment Yield Models

Lesson 17 Measurements of Sediment Yield

Lesson 18 Estimation and Modeling of Sediment Yield

Module 10: Rainwater Conservation Technologies and Water Harvesting Structures

Lesson 19 Rainwater Conservation Technologies

Lesson 20 Design of Water Harvesting Structures

Module 11: Water Budgeting in a Watershed

Lesson 21 Water Budget

Lesson 22 Budgeting of Water in a Watershed

Module 12: Effect of Cropping System, Land Management and Cultural Practices on Watershed Hydrology

Lesson 23 Watershed Land Use/Land Cover

Lesson 24 Effect of Land Use Land Cover on Watershed Hydrology

Module 13: People’s Participation in Watershed Management

Lesson 25 Need for People’s Participation in Watershed Management

Lesson 26 Case Studies in People’s Participation in Watershed Management

Module 14: Monitoring & Evaluation of Watershed Programs

Lesson 27 Monitoring of Watershed Programs

Lesson 28 Evaluation of Watershed Programs

Book Download: Watershed Hydrology PDF Book Free

Module 15: Planning and Formulation of Project Proposal, Cost Benefit Analysis of Watershed Programmes

Lesson 29 Watershed Planning and Project Formulation

Lesson 30 Economics of Watershed Projects

Module 16: Optimal Land Use Models

Lesson 31 Optimal Land Use

Lesson 32 Case Studies on Optimal Land Use


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