Introduction to Major Field Crops – ICAR eCourse PDF book Free Download


Book Detail: Introduction to Major Field Crops

Language: EnglishCover of Introduction to major field crops

Pages: 217

Author: G. Janardhan, P. Velayatham

Price: Free

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Outlines: Introduction to Major Field Crops 

1 Classification and distribution of field crops
2 Definitions and concept of multiple cropping, mixed cropping, intercropping, relay and alley cropping.
3 Green Manuring
4-6 Cultural practices for raising of Rice
7 Cultural practices for raising of Wheat
8 Cultural practices for raising of Maize
9 Cultural practices for raising of Sorghum
10 Cultural practices for raising of Soybean
11 Cultural practices for raising of Bengal gram
12 Cultural practices for raising of Red gram
13 Cultural practices for raising of Ground nut
14 Cultural practices for raising of Rape seed and Mustard
15 Cultural practices for raising of Sunflower
16 Cultural practices for raising of Fodder crops

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