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Language: English

Pages: 129

Author: S. K. Kanawjia & Yogesh Khetra

Price: Free



Cheese Technology Book download pdf




Course Outline

Module 1: History, status and scope of cheese industry
Lesson 1. Historical developments in cheese manufacture and world market for cheese
Lesson 2. Cheese production and consumption in India and abroad
Module 2: Definition, standards, classification, nutritive value and basic principles of cheese making
Lesson 3. Definition and standards of cheese
Lesson 4. Composition and nutritional value of cheese
Lesson 5. Principles of cheese manufacture

Module 3: Milk quality in relation to cheese making
Lesson 6. Selection of milk and composition of milk
Lesson 7. Microbiological quality of milk

Module 4: Pre-treatments of milk for cheese making
Lesson 8. Chilling, storage, clarification and bactofugation
Lesson 9. Membrane processing of milk for cheese making
Lesson 10. Heat treatment and homogenization of cheese milk

Module 5: Cheese additives
Lesson 11. Cheese additives and preservatives

Module 6: Role of starter culture in cheese making

Lesson 12. Starter cultures
Lesson 13. Problems associated with cheese starters

Module 7: Rennet preparation and properties
Lesson 14. Calf rennet: preparation and properties
Lesson 15. Rennet substitutes
Lesson 16. Action of rennet on milk

Module 8: Manufacture of different varieties of cheese
Lesson 17. Cheddar cheese
Lesson 18. Gouda cheese
Lesson 19. Swiss cheese
Lesson 20. Mozzarella cheese
Lesson 21. Cottage cheese

Module 9: Changes during ripening of cheese
Lesson 22. Chemical, physical, microbiological and sensory changes

Module 10: Yield of cheese
Lesson 23. Cheese yield, measurement of cheese yield
Lesson 24. Factors affecting cheese yield

Module 11: Cheese from buffalo milk
Lesson 25. Problems in buffalo milk cheese making
Lesson 26. Process modifications for buffalo milk cheese

Module 12: Manufacture of processed cheese and related products
Lesson 27. Processed cheese and related products

Module 13: Defects in cheese 
Lesson 28. Defects of cheese, causes and preventive measures

Module 14: Packaging, storage and distribution of cheese
Lesson 29. Packaging of cheese
Lesson 30. Storage and distribution of cheese

Module 15: Accelerated ripening of cheese
Lesson 31. Accelerated ripening

Module 16: Mechanized cheese making
Lesson 32. Mechanization and automation in cheese making



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