Book Detail: Food Technology-II  

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Language: English

Pages: 212

Author: Amit Patel, Devraja H. C., Prateek Sharma, & R. R. B. Singh

Price: Free

Course Outlines: Food Technology-II

Module 1: Cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds
Lesson 1 Introduction to cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds: Structure and composition of cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds

Module 2: Cereal processsing
Lesson 2 Rice milling and parboiling: Rice quality and grading standards
Lesson 3 Processed rice products and by-products
Lesson 4 Milling of wheat
Lesson 5 Criteria of wheat flour quality, Improvers for wheat flour, types of wheat flour
Lesson 6 Corn: Classification, dry milling and wet milling
Lesson 7 Barley: Classification, malting and processing
Lesson 8 Millets: Types and processing
Lesson 9 Breakfast cereals: Classification and technologies
Lesson 10 Malted milk foods

Module 3: Bakery and snack foods
Lesson 11 Technology of bread making
Lesson 12 Technology of biscuit making
Lesson 13 Technology of cake making
Lesson 14 Technology of pasta products

Module 4: Pulse processing
Lesson 15 Methods of pulse milling – Wet and dry method, Domestic and commercial milling
Lesson 16 Roasted, germinated, fermented and canned legume products

Module 5: Oilseed processing
Lesson 17 Dehulling and extraction of oil from oilseeds, Processing of vegetable oil, Processing and utilization of oilseed meals
Lesson 18 Processing of soybean and other oilseeds; dairy analogues

Module 6: Meat and poultry processing
Lesson 19 Present status and prospects of meat, poultry, egg and fish production in India
Lesson 20 Pre-slaughter handling and inspection of animals
Lesson 21 Slaughtering techniques and post-mortem inspections
Lesson 22 Rigor mortis: Biochemical and histological changes
Lesson 23 Processing of meat
Lesson 24 Poultry meat and its processing
Lesson 25 Hygiene and sanitation in meat and poultry industry

Module 7: Egg and egg processing 
Lesson 26 Egg: Structure, composition and quality
Lesson 27 Processing of egg

Module 8: Fish and its processing
Lesson 28 Fish harvesting, handling and transportation; classification
Lesson 29 Processing and preservation of fish; value added fishery products

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