Introduction to Soil Science ICAR eCourse PDF Book


Book Detail: cover Introduction to Soil Science

Language: English

Pages: 193

Price: Free

Developed By: TNAU




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  1. Soil – Pedological and edaphological concepts
  2. Origin of the earth – Earth’s crust – Composition
  3. Rocks and minerals
  4. Weathering
  5. Soil formation factors and processes – Components of soils
  6. Soil profile
  7. Soil physical properties – Soil texture – Textural classes – Particle size analysis
  8. Soil structure – Classification
  9. Soil aggregates – significance – Soil consistency – Soil crusting – Bulk density and particle density of soils & porosity – their significance and manipulation
  10. Soil compaction – Soil Colour – Soil water
  11. Retention and potentials – Soil moisture constants
  12. Movement of soil water – Infiltration, percolation, permeability – Drainage – Methods of determination of soil moisture
  1. Thermal properties of soils – Soil temperature – Soil air – Gaseous exchange – Influence of soil temperature and air on plant growth
  1. Soil colloids – Properties, nature, types and significance
  2. Layer silicate clays – their genesis and sources of charges
  3. Adsorption of ions–Ion exchange–CEC& AEC – Factors influencing ion exchange Significance.
  1. Soil organic matter – Composition – Decomposability
  2. Humus – Fractionation of organic matter
  3. Carbon cycle – C: N ratio. Soil biology – Biomass – Soil organisms – Their beneficial and harmful roles.






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