To learn procedure for the preparation of chocolate Milk of standard quality.
1. Fresh milk standardized to contain approximately 2% fat to be available in adequate quantity.
2. Soluble cocoa or chocolate powder of good quality to be used at the rate of 1.5 to 2.5 kg/100 gm of milk.
3. Good quality crystalline sugar at the rate of 5 to 6 kg per 100 kg of milk
4. Sodium alginate or gelatin as stabilizer to be used in proportion of 0.05 to 0.25% of the milk used.
5. Multipurpose vat.
6. Homogenizer (double staged) hooked up with pasteurizer.
7. Avery platform weighing balance to weigh correctly upto 100 grams.
1. Ascertain quantity of product to be made, proportion of ingredients desired and calculate the quantity of milk, chocolate powder, sugar and stabilizer to be mixed.
2. Weigh the ingredients separately and keep them ready for use.
3. Take the standardized milk in the vat and bring up the temperature to 74.0°C .
4. Dissolve the chocolate powder in two or three times its weight of water and agitate for 5 minutes.
5. Similarly disperse stabilizer in a small quantity of hot water and mix into the Content of the vat maintaining the agitation all through.
6. Homogenize the mix at about 74-75°C in two stages(first stage 150 kg/cm2 and second 50 kg/cm2).
7. Run the homogenized milk back, into the vat and pasteurize for 30 mts at 74 °C .
8. Cool the product to 5°C; maintain that temperature for 3 hours with continuous agitation and fill in clean, sterile, standard bottles.
9, Arrange bottles in crates and stack crates in the cold store.
10. Leave all equipment properly cleaned for further use.
11. Examine random sample of chocolate milk for fat separation and chocolate sedimentation 24 hours after filling.
12. Record the flavour, colour and viscosity of each batch ot chocolate milk made.
13. Calculate also the handling loss during preparation and bottling.
1. Addition of stabilizer is essential and exact quantity is to be fixed by pilot run depending on the quality of chocolate used.
2. Of mix is homogenized after addition of chocolate ensure freedom from lumps and flakes by proper straining prior to homogenization.
3. Maintain proper control over temperature and pressure of homogenization.
4. Ensure freedom of contamination from homogenization.
5. Insist on hand shaking of each bottle of chocolate milk in the cold store before sending out for distribution.