Starter Cultures and Fermented Milk Products PDF Book


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Language: English

Pages: 174

Author: B. Prajapati, I. Sankara Reddy & V. Sreeja

Price: Free

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Course Outline of Starter Culture and Fermented Milk Products 3(2+1)

Module 1. Introduction

Lesson 1. Introduction to Starter Cultures and Fermented Milks

Module 2. Classification Of Starters

Lesson 2. Starters cultures and Their Classification

Module 3. Propagation Of Starter Cultures

Lesson 3. Purpose Of Propagation, Traditional Methods-Advantages And Limitations.

Lesson 4. Mechanically and Chemically Protected Systems for Starter Propagation

Module 4. Metabolism of starters and biochemistry of fermentation

Lesson 5. Metabolism in Starter Cultures

Lesson 6. Vitamin Metabolism in Starter Cultures

Module 5. Quality and activity of starters

Lesson 7. Antimicrobial Compounds Produced By Starters and Interactions among Starter Cultures

Lesson 8. Activity & Purity Test and Standards for Starter Cultures

Module 6. Causes of slowness of starters

Lesson 9. Problems associated with starter itself, with control of starters, with milk and with production method

Lesson 10. Bacteriophage action ultra structures, classification, detection and control

Module 7. Preservation and forms of starters

Lesson 11. Need For Preservation, Criteria For Selection Of Method, Preservation Techniques

Module 8. Forms of Starters

Lesson 12. Liquid, Frozen, Dried, Concentrated And DVS Cultures

Module 9. Genetic improvement of starters

Lesson 13. Scope And Need, Characteristics Which Can Be Manipulated, Genetic Tools – Mutation, Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction, Electroportion, Protoplast Fusion And Genetic Engineering

Lesson 14. Plasmids, Value of improved strain

Module 10. Starter distillates

Lesson 15. Composition of Synthetic and Bacterial Distillates, Production and Application

Module 11. Introduction – Fermented Milk Products

Lesson 16. History, Definitions/ types, Classification of fermented milk products

Module 12. Yoghurt

Lesson 17. Definition, types and microflora, starter symbiosis, enumeration of yoghurt starters.

Lesson 18. Types of yoghurts, Yoghurt Production-significance of each processing steps.

Lesson 19. Post production processing of yoghurt into various types, Biochemistry of yoghurt

Lesson 20. Nutritive value, Therapeutic value, Spoilage, defects and quality assurance.

Module 13. Dahi

Lesson 21. Definition and standards, Methods of production, Types of starters

Lesson 22. Desirable properties of dahi and factors influencing it , Composition of dahi

Lesson 23. Modified dahi- Bhapa dahi and misti dahi, Defects

Module 14. Cultured butter milk

Lesson 24. Preparation of cultured butter milk, Composition and Quality Characteristics

Lesson 25. Flavour in cultured butter milk, advances in CBM production

Module 15. Probiotics, Acidophilus and Bifidus milk products

Lesson 26. Probiotics: Importance, Definition, Types and selection criteria for cultures

Lesson 27. Probiotic products, Production flow diagrams and effects of processing on microbiological quality.

Lesson 28. Acidophilus and Bifidus Products

Lesson 29. Nutritional, Therapeutic, Safety and Quality aspects of Probiotic products

Module 16. Kefir

Lesson 30. Kefir-Manufacture, Composition, Nutritional and Therapeutic Properties

Module 17. Koumiss

Lesson 31. Koumiss- Manufacturing, Nutritive and therapeutic Values

Module 18. Other fermented milks

Lesson 32. Kishk, Yakult, Villi


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