Book Detail: Agriculture for Engineers
Language:Â English
Pages:Â 267
Author:Â Dr. S.S. Kapdi
Price:Â Free
Outline of Agriculture for Engineers
Module 1 Nature and origin of soil
 Lesson 1 Nature and Origin of Soil
 Lesson 2 Rocks and Minerals
Module 2 Soil forming processes
 Lesson 3 Soil Forming Processes
 Lesson 4 Classification of Soil – Taxonomy Orders
 Lesson 5 Soil Physical Properties and Soil Particle Distribution – I
 Lesson 6 Soil Physical Properties and Soil Particle Distribution -II
Module 3 Soil inorganic colloids
 Lesson 7 Soil Inorganic Colloids
 Lesson 8 Charges on Soil Colloids
 Lesson 9 Ion Exchange in Soil
Module 4 Soil Organic Matter
 Lesson 10 Soil Organic Matter
 Lesson 11 Soil Reaction and Soil Problems
Module 5 Quality of irrigation water
 Lesson 12 Quality of Irrigation Water
 Lesson 13 Poor Quality of Irrigation Water and Management Practices
Module 6 Plant nutrients
 Lesson 14 Essential Plant Nutrients
 Lesson 15 Nutrient Deficiency, Toxicity and Control MeasuresÂ
Module 7 Inorganic fertilizers
 Lesson 16 Chemical fertilizers
 Lesson 17 Fertilizer Reaction in Soil and Use Efficiency
Module 8 Definition and scope of agronomy
 Lesson 18 Definition and Scope of Agronomy
Module 9 Crops
 Lesson 19 Classification of Crops
Module 10 Weather parameters
 Lesson 20 Effect of Different Weather Parameters on Crop Growth and Development -I
 Lesson 21 Effect of Different Weather Parameters on Crop Growth and Development -II
Module 11 Tillage
 Lesson 22 Principal of Tillage
 Lesson 23 Tilth and Its Characteristics
Module 12 Tillage
 Lesson 24 Role of Water in Plant and Its Absorption
 Lesson 25 Conduction and Transpiration of Water and Plant Processes
 Lesson 26 Soil Water Extraction Pattern and Plant Response
Module 13 Introduction to weeds
 Lesson 27 Introduction to weeds
Lesson 28 Weeds Control
Module 14 Crop rotation, cropping systems, relay and mixed cropping
 Lesson 29 Crop Rotation
 Lesson 30 Different Cropping Systems – I
 Lesson 31 Different Cropping Systems – II
Module 15 Scope of Horticultural & Vegetable Crops
 Lesson 32 Scope of Horticultural Crops
Module 16 Soil and climatic requirements for fruits, vegetables and floriculture crops
 Lesson 33 Soil Requirement for Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers Crops
 Lesson 34 Climatic Requirement for Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers Crops
Module 17 Criteria for site selection, layout and planting methods, nursery raising
 Lesson 35 Criteria for site selection
 Lesson 36 Layout and Planting Methods
 Lesson 37 Nursery Raising
Module 18 Macro and micro propagation methods
 Lesson 38 Macro Propagation Methods
 Lesson 39 Micro Propagation Methods
Module 19 Plant growing structures, pruning and training
 Lesson 40 Plant Growing Structures
Lesson 41 Pruning and Training
Module 20 Fertilizer application, fertigation & irrigation methods
 Lesson 42 Fertilizer Application and Fertigation
 Lesson 43 Irrigation Methods
Module 21 Harvesting, grading and packaging, post-harvest practices
 Lesson 44 Harvesting, Grading and Packaging
 Lesson 45 Post Harvest Practices
Module 22 Garden tools, management of orchard
 Lesson 46 Garden Tools
 Lesson 47 Management of Orchard
Module 23 Extraction and storage of vegetable seeds
 Lesson 48 Extraction and Storage of Vegetable Seeds
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Good site