Agribusiness Management and Trade PDF Book


Book Detail: Agribusiness Management and Trade

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Language: English

Pages: 239

Author: K.B. Vedamurthy

Price: Free





Outlines of Agribusiness Management and Trade

Module 1. Management Concepts & Principle
Lesson 1. Basic Concepts of Management
Lesson 2. Management and Manager
Lesson 3. Managerial Environment
Lesson 4. The Decision‐Making Process
Module 2. Management Functions
Lesson 5. Planning
Lesson 6. Organizing
Lesson 7. Staffing
Lesson 8. Leading and Leadership
Lesson 9. Controlling
Module 3. Marketing Management
Lesson 10. Concepts of Marketing
Lesson 11. Marketing Environment
Lesson 12. Product Development and Product Lifecycle
Lesson 13. Product Pricing and Pricing Strategies
Lesson 14. Distribution Decisions
Lesson 15 Promotional Decisions
Module 4. Concepts and application of management principles to agribusiness
Lesson 16 Nature and Characteristics of Agribusiness
Lesson- 17 Agro-based Industries in India
Lesson-18 Agricultural Supply Chain Management
Lesson-20 Strategic Management in Agribusiness
Lesson-21 Risk Management in Agribusiness
Lesson-22 Contract Farming
Lesson-23 ICT In Agribusiness
Module 5. Production, Consumption, Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products
Lesson-24 Agricultural Production Scenario in India
Lesson-25 Consumption of Agricultural Products
Lesson-26 Agricultural Marketing – Meaning & Importance
Lesson-27 Agricultural Marketing Functions
Lesson-28 Classification of Markets
Lesson-29 Agricultural Market Functionaries
Lesson-30 Regulated Agricultural Markets
Lesson-31 Cooperative Agricultural Marketing
Lesson-32 Producer Surplus of Agricultural Commodities
Lesson-33 Market Integration and Marketing Efficiency
Lesson-34 Marketing cost-margins-price spreads
Lesson-35 Food Processing Sector in India
Module 6. Meaning & Theories of International Trade
Lesson-36 Meaning and Concept of International Business
Lesson-37 Absolute Advantage Theory of International Trade
Lesson-38 Comparative Advantage Theory of International Trade
Module 7. WTO provisions for trade in agricultural and food commodities
Lesson-39 Understanding the WTO
Lesson-40 Agreements under WTO
Lesson-41 Agreement on Agriculture
Lesson-42 Food Safety Issues under WTO


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