Biomass Management for Fodder & Energy PDF Book

Biomass Management for Fodder and Energy

Biomass Management for Fodder & EnergyBiomass Management for Fodder and Energy

Introduction to biomass management, biomass resource assessment management techniques/supply chains, Processing of paddy straw, densification-Extrusion process, pellets, mills and cubers, Bailing-classification, uses; residue management for surface mulch and soil incorporation, Paddy Straw choppers and spreaders as an attachment to combine Harvester, Mulch seeder, Paddy Straw Chopper-cum-Loader, Balar for collection of straw; Processing of straw/ fodder for animal use; Agricultural and horticultural use, Cushioning material for fruits and vegetables, Mulching and Composting, Paper and cardboard manufacturing, Straw as a fuel.

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Language: English

Pages: 93

Author: Dr. P.Vijayakumary, Dr. Sathish R. Desai

Price: Free

Outlines of Biomass Management for Fodder and Energy

Module 1. Introduction to biomass resource and management

Lesson 1. Introduction to biomass management

Lesson 2. Biomass resource assessment management techniques/supply chains

Module 2. Densification Processes: Extrusion, briquetting and pelleting

Lesson 3. Processing of paddy straw, densification – extrusion process

Lesson 4. Briquettes and cubes

Module 3. Bailing, surface mulch and soil incorporation

Lesson 5. Baling-classification, uses

Lesson 6. Residue management for surface mulch and soil incorporation

Also Download: Renewable Energy Sources PDF Book

Module 4. Paddy Straw choppers and spreaders

Lesson 7. Paddy Straw choppers and spreaders

Lesson 8. Paddy Straw choppers and spreaders as an attachment to combine Harvester

Module 5. Mulch seeder, chopper-cum-Loader, Baler for collection of straw Paddy Straw

Lesson 9. Mulch seeder, Paddy Straw Chopper-cum-Loader

Lesson 10. Baler for collection of straw

Module 6. Processing and uses of straw for animal use and cushioning material

Lesson 11. Processing of straw/ fodder for animal use

Lesson 12. Agricultural and horticultural use of paddy straw

Lesson 13. Paddy straw – Cushioning material for fruits and vegetables

Module 7. Mulching and composting, paper and cardboard manufacturing from straw

Lesson 14. Mulching and Composting

Lesson 15. Paper and cardboard manufacturing from paddy straw

Lesson 16. Straw as a fuel


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