Protected Cultivation & Post Harvest Technology PDF Book PDF Book


Book Detail: Protected Cultivation & Post Harvest TechnologyCover of Protected Cultivation & Post Harvest Technology

Language: English

Pages: 120

Author: TNAU

Price: Free

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Outlines of Protected Cultivation & Post Harvest Technology

  1. Green house
  2. Greenhouse structures of various types
  3. Plant response to greenhouse environments
  4. Equipment required for controlling green house environment
  5. Planning of green house facility
  6. Materials for construction of green houses
  7. Design criteria and constructional details of greenhouses
  8. Greenhouse heating and distribution systems
  9. Irrigation system used in greenhouses
  10. Threshing –threshers for different crops, parts, terminology, care and maintenance
  11. Winnowing – manual and power operated winnowers, care and maintenance
  12. Groundnut decorticator-hand operated and power operated decorticators, principles of working, care and maintenance
  13. Sheller – maize and castor Sheller
  14. Drying – grain drying, types of drying, types of dryers, importance of drying
  15. Storage- grain storage – types of storage structures
  16. Fruits and vegetables cleaning – machinery for cleaning fruits and vegetables, care and maintenance
  17. Grading – methods of grading, equipments for grading of fruits and vegetables, care and maintenance
  18. Size reduction – equipment for size reduction, care and maintenance
  19. Evaporation – principles, types of evaporators
  20. Food standards and regulations

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