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Apiculture ICAR PDF Book

Book Detail:apiculture

Language: English

Pages: 78

Author: Dr J K Gupta

Price: Free


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1st Lecture: Introduction to Apiculture: Importance and history

2nd Lecture: Different species of honey bees

3rd Lecture: Morphology and anatomy of honey bee

4th Lecture: Colony organization and life cycle

5th Lecture: Social behaviour of honey bees

6th Lecture: Beekeeping equipment

7th Lecture: Handling of bee colony and maintenance of apiary record

8th Lecture: Collection and preservation of bee pasture

9th Lecture: Seasonal management of honey bee colonies: Spring management

10th Lecture: Seasonal management of honey bee colonies:Summer, monsoon and autumn season management

11th Lecture: Seasonal management of honey bee colonies:Winter management and migratory beekeeping

12th Lecture: Miscellaneous management (uniting, dividing, queen management, supplementary feeding, shifting bee colonies, robbing and absconding)

13th Lecture: Manipulation for honey production

14th Lecture: Economics of beekeeping

15th Lecture: Queen rearing

16th Lecture: Familiarization with enemies of honey bees and their control

17th Lecture: Familiarization with diseases of honey bees and their control



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