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HomeBookEnergy Conservation and Management PDF Book

Energy Conservation and Management PDF Book

Energy management is a process by which a sector or an organisation can effectively manage how much energy they produce and how to control, monitor and conserve as much energy as they can while also generating enough energy to meet the demand of the customers…

Book Details 

Language: English

Pages: 162

Compiled By: Anil Mandal

Price: Free

How to Download PDF Books

Course Outline – Energy Conservation and Management

Lesson 1: Introduction, classification, Present and Past Scenario of Primary Energy Resources in The World, Environmental Aspects Associated with energy utilization

Lesson 2: Potential and opportunities of industrial energy conservation in dairy and food processing. Energy conservation Act 2001 and its important features, Schemes of Bureau of Energy, Efficiency (BEE). Electricity Act 2003, Integrated energy policy, Electrical load management, Demand management, energy management information systems.

Lesson 3: Energy management & audit, Definition, energy audit, need, types of energy audit, Energy audit approach-understanding energy costs, bench marking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement, maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirements, fuel and energy substitution, Energy balances and computation of efficiencies of equipment, instruments and metering for Energy audit.

Lesson 4: Energy conservation in Refrigeration and AC systems (HVAC), Cooling towers, Pumps and pumping systems, Fans, Blowers, Air compressors, Maintenance and upkeep of Vacuum lines and Compressed air pipe lines, Conservation and reuse of water, water auditing, Energy conservation opportunities in Wastewater treatment.

Lesson 5: Electrical system, Electrical Billing, Transformers, losses in transformers, Energy savings in transformers Quality of power, Power factor and its improvement, saving controllers and cost saving techniques.

Lesson 6:  Electric motor-selection and application, Energy efficient motors. Variable Speed Drives and Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) and their role in saving electric energy, Industrial Lighting: Quality of light, types of light sources, energy efficiency, Light controls.

Lesson 7: Energy efficiency and conservation in utilities: High efficiency boilers, improved combustion techniques for energy conservation, Fluidized Bed Combustion and multi fuel capabilities. Application of recuperator to recover energy from flue gases from boiler, DG exhaust, hot air from spray dryer, FBD etc.

Lesson 8: Energy conservation in steam distribution systems, Thermic fluid heater, efficient piping layouts, protective & insulation coverings in utility pipes, Steam conservation opportunities, Upkeep and maintenance of steam auxiliaries and fittings.

Lesson 9 : Improving efficiency and energy conservation opportunities of thermal processes, improving efficiency and energy conservation opportunities of freezing, improving efficiency and energy conservation in evaporation, Improving Efficiency and Energy Conservation Opportunities in Food Drying.Role of steam traps in energy saving. Energy Savings methods in hot air generator, Steam radiator.

Lesson 10   : Energy conservation in buildings: Concepts of “Green Buildings”. Waste-heat recovery and thermal energy storage in food processing facilities, Condensate recovery and reuse.

Lesson 11: Cleaner energy sources: Introduction to Solar, and Bio-mass Energy; Solar thermal and photo-voltaic energy options for food processing industries, Carbon credits and carbon trade: Concepts of CDM, economic and societal benefits.

Lesson 12: Fuel and Oil Conservation, Diesel generating sets, Thermal energy storage and its application, Recuperators Generators, thermocompressor PCM encapsulation. Lesson 13: Role of automation in conservation of energy in dairy and food processing: Incorporation of enhanced PLC based computer controls and SCADA.

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