Design of Structures PDF Book


Design of Structures

Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its intended life.

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Language: English

Pages: 299

Author: Dr. K. Nagarajan,  Prof. P. Natarajan

Price: Free


Outlines of Design of Structures

LESSON 1. Structures and its kinds

LESSON 2. Rolled Structural Steel Sections

LESSON 3. Loads on structures

LESSON 4. Stresses on structures

LESSON 5. Riveted Connections

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LESSON 6. Design of Riveted Connections

LESSON 7. Welded Connection

LESSON 8. Tension Member

LESSON 9. Design of Tension Member

LESSON 10. Design of Columns

LESSON 11. Design of Compression Members

LESSON 12. Design of Colum Bases-Slab Base

LESSON 13. Steel Beams

LESSON 14. Design of Steel Beams

LESSON 15. Cement Concrete

LESSON 16. Analysis of Singly Reinforced Section

LESSON 17. Design of Singly Reinforced Section

LESSON 18. Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Sections

LESSON 19. Design of Doubly Reinforced Sections

LESSON 20. Theory of T-Beams

LESSON 21. Design of T- Beams

LESSON 22. Shear Stress in Beams

LESSON 23. Bond and Development Length

LESSON 24. Basic Rules for Design of Beams and Slabs

LESSON 25. Design of One Way Slabs

LESSON 26. Design of Two-way Slabs

LESSON 27. Design of Lintel with Sunshade

LESSON 28. Axially Loaded RCC Columns

LESSON 29. Design of RCC footing for Wall

LESSON 30. Design of Isolated Column Footing

LESSON 31. Cantilever Retaining Walls

LESSON 32. Design of RCC Cantilever Retaining Walls


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